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Laboratory of regional social-humanitarian research

Solovchenkov S.A.

Ňĺë. (42622) 2-40-13, 8-964-475-09-03.
E-mail: solovchenkov@yandex.ru

1995-1999 Higher education in the specialty «Geography and Economics», Birobidzhan state pedagogical Institute (Birobidzhan, Russia).
1999-2003 Postgraduate studies, Institute for complex analysis of regional problems Feb RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
2009-Candidate of sociological Sciences, Pacific national University (Khabarovsk, Russia). Scientific supervisor D. SC.N., Professor L. E. Blyakher.

Professional experience:
2000 – present senior engineer, Junior researcher, researcher, Laboratory of regional socio humanitarian studies, Institute for complex analysis of regional problems Feb RAS (Birobidzhan, Russia).
1999 – present. Lecturer, senior lecturer, associate Professor GOU VPO «Amur state University. Sholom-Aleichem» (Birobidzhan, Russia).

Research topic:
Study of the structural and adaptive elements in the rural society of the Jewish Autonomous region and the southern Far East (head)

RHF 2011. «Identification and analysis of existing strategies of social adaptation of the rural population of the Jewish Autonomous region», the head.

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